Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Last Garden

This evening I spent some time reminiscing over old photographs on my computer. How I wish I'd taken more of Felix! This is one I treasure as it was taken when he was gardening.

He always wore his Aussie bush hat to protect himself from the heat and the sun. It still smells like him and I  love it. These are his rows of new tomato plants.

Miss Emma Lynne was still romping around him as he gardened  and I miss her, too.

May you find each other in heaven, Miss Emma, and my Felix!

Hug your loved ones while you still can.

Happy quilting.


julieQ said...

OH Vic, my heart breaks for you and the loss of your precious hubby. I am so sorry.

Janet O. said...

A tender post, Vic. I wish I was there to listen to your stories of your time together.
I think it is healthy that you are going through photos and recalling good memories. Though it may be painful, it also helps with the processing of grief. Avoiding such things often just postpones the grieving process.
You were blessed with such a kind and loving companion, which I know can make the missing of him even more intense. Praying for you!

Julierose said...

Warm memories and photographs will help to heal your heart...hugs and prayers Julierose

Elaine Adair said...

A few posts ago, you said "take photos of your loved ones". DH and I went on a short day trip, and I took a LOT of photos of him. Thank you for reminder - 8-)) We all have lessons to teach and lessons to learn, don't we? Thank you for teaching me that lesson. Hugs to you, Elaine

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