Saturday, September 17, 2011


Yesterday at 5pm, we spotted this doe and her two young raiding the apple orchard for drops that Hurricane Irene blew down. It was fun to watch them, but when one of the yearling fawns, called a "skipper", began to feast on the bark and leaves of a baby Asian Pear tree, I drew the line. I shouted out, "Hey, you, STOP THAT!" Immediately, all the deer looked at me, up by the house, and they froze for several seconds before they all took off. We had one other intruder, also. And that was the first early FROST! Geez, it's a month early. Felix and Matthew covered up the butternut squash, snow peas, and lettuce and radishes. They harvested all the tomatoes and the summer squash. I took a full shopping bag of the extra summer squash down to the food pantry in the village and they were glad to receive it. My dear hubby, Felix, moaned and groaned to lose his hobby garden so soon. As for me, I was just glad to have cooler weather! Gosh, Wednesday we used the air-conditioner all day, and here on Friday night was the frost. I love New England!
The weather is always doing something interesting.

As the days are shorter now, I'm already sitting in the sunshine for at least 15 minutes every sunny day to keep my SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) at bay. I sit outside and do a little knitting and watch the traffic go by on Route 140. Today, I walked down to the orchard and grabbed myself a Honey Crisp yellow apple and ate it right from the tree. It sure was sweet and juicy!

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