Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Another Milestone of Passing

February 20th marks my beloved husband's birthday. He would have been 73. I still miss him everyday but it is acute on the eve of his birthday. I still talk to his picture and say prayers for his soul to be at rest and at one with God.

When I dug out from last night's snowstorm I went to the dump and collected a big bear hug from Matthew, whom Felix had mentored. We both commiserated over his early death and told each other how we loved each other. Matthew did me a favor by checking the oil in my car despite the cold and windy day. The oil was fine but I was grateful to him.

This is the first birthday since Felix's sudden heart attack that took him away from me. I promised Matthew that I would sing Happy Birthday to Felix. I hope he will hear me, not with his ears but with his soul.

Treasure your loved ones!

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