Friday, September 23, 2011

The World's Ugliest Sandwiches!

This open-faced sandwich is the world's ugliest sandwich, but I think they are delicious! Spread your favorite bread thickly with peanut butter, then cover that layer with dots of ketchup, and then top it off by cutting up a slice of cooked bacon into bite-sized pieces. Put it into the toaster oven for one cycle so it's warm and gooey. It is messier to eat than lobster! LOL! But it is good! We made these when I was a kid in the 1950's and we had to use the broiler of the stove because there were no toaster ovens.


JudyCinNC said...

You enjoy!! - all I am going to say. Judy C

Sherrill said...

Well, I'm gonna say it! HA PB, ketchup and bacon?! Eww, that sounds awful! Glad there are all different kinds of foods as we all have our likes and dislikes, right? LOL

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