Friday, December 7, 2012

"Bonnie" Quilts I've Done

In no particular order there are:

Patches and Pinwheels which I named Calliope Music.

Cheddar Bow Ties which I have 350+ blocks (some of which were swaps) in a basket not sewn together.

Blue Ridge Beauty, for which all the units are made and sitting in a shoebox, but not yet all sewn into blocks.

My Cotton Candy which was Bonnie's RRCB and has a pieced backing,

Here's a close up of the fabrics on the front,

Boxy Stars that I only have the one block done.

Sister's Choice Part I is done,

Sister's Choice Part II all the blocks are made and sitting in a basket.

Recent Developments was made from Bonnie's Happy Scrappy Houses.
Ocean Waves is my current Leader and Ender project and I have about a dozen blocks done on it.
Orca Bay which I have never assembled because I got discouraged with it, which fills me with shame.
And then Yankee Christmas, which I finished, that fills me with pride.

Bonnie taught me so much in this quilt.
Like using what you have.

And doing one step at a time.
I also did two Bricks & Steppingstones, too.
Mulberry Street was the very first Bonnie quilt. It went as a "Thank-you" gift to the surgeon who saved my husband's toe from amputation. Dr. John Vignati loves it and hung it in his office!

Sleepy Garden Walls (name taken from the song, "Deep Purple") was given to be raffled to benefit the Gilmanton Community Church's Food Pantry on December 15th, 2012.

Thank you so very much, Bonnie K. Hunter, for taking a "wanna be" quilter into becoming a real life quilter.


The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Vic! Bravo!!! Wonderful Quilts! I missed Orca Bay all together - but have NO reason for shame...LOOK at ALL you've done! And who'll feel OB calling you again...and you'll answer! See you on the Street!

Helen in the UK said...

Great post! Loving the colours of your OB ... hope you return to finish it one day. Must dig out all my Bonnie quilt piccies and do a similar post :)

Debra said...

Beautiful quilts Vic. Love your Sister's choice ones. Please do finish your Orca Bay, it looks so lovely. Have fun sewing Part #3 of the mystery.

Kats Studio said...

Wow! Just look at you and all you have accomplished. Every one is beautiful and you should be beaming with pride. Great work, Vic !

Janet O. said...

Wow--so much quilty magic! Calliope Music (love the name) is on my list--as is Sister's Choice. You have made some beauties, Vic.
What discouraged you on Orca Bay? It looks beautiful!

Susan R. said...

I love seeing what others have made of Bonnie's designs and how different they all look. You have some very pretty quilts.

Would I be able to send you a check for some raffle tickets on the donation quilt? Please let me know by email if possible.

Mary said...

Love all of your "Bonnie" quilts. I did Carolina Christmas, but kind of created a design challenge, not intentional. Have Sisters choice in the works, Oregon or Bust in the works, too. I love the idea of using what you have! Got step one of Easy Street done, working on step 2. They are so much fun!

cityquilter grace said...

a beautiful collection and a terrific should be proud of yourself...and i agree, bonnie is a whiz!

bertiequilts said...

love all your quilts... I have collected a lot of her patterns, but this one, Easy Street, is the first quilt I am actually working on... I finally finished step 1 yeserday, havent started step 2 yet let alone step 3... but I shall do them... just have to get some Christmas stuff done first... my husband keeps coming up with new ideas of things for me to do...

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

Thanks for putting up your Bonnie Output :) Well done!
Sharyn in Kalama

Katie said...

Love them all!! You are SOOO good for making those large quilts and not letting them get to UFO status (like me) haha ;c) Keep up the good work ;c)

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