Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sewing In The Dark

Dear me, to be without my hobby since Saturday is driving me crazy!
Today I decided to sew in the dark with just my Blue Max light fixture over my trusty machine with darkness all around me. Once I got over the creepiness of it all, I actually sewed 10 blocks together for Blue Ridge Beauty.

Since the iron and the Ott light that is over it still work, I was able to press them, too. But doing loads of laundry by flashlight sure was the pits! It beats loading everything into my car to drive to a laundromat, but not by much!
What's truly funny is that when I asked Felix to take my picture is that we both got a laugh out of the fact that the camera's flash filled in all the darkness and makes it look as if the overhead lights were still working! Believe me, they are not!
 You can just make out my black and white copy "cheat sheet" pinned up on the wall so that I don't sew the four patches and half square triangles together incorrectly. Oh boy, it pays to check every time! But I have learned to feed the two pairs of units in order so that they are webbed together as they exit from the other side of the machine. Then the two halves are ready to sew to each other and joined by the chain piecing threads.

After the morning sewing session, I got encouraged and did ten more in the afternoon.
Here is what kept Felix busy as he struggles with our taxes. He was able to finish them up this afternoon.

Hooray! My hero! And we do not owe money to the federal government, so double hooray!!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Laundry by flashlight? I don't envy you that! My washer is on the porch, but I can always wait for daylight.

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