Saturday, October 20, 2012

Enjoying My Butterfly Attention-Span

I know when I'm procrastinating.

Procrastinating gives me the creative push to start new things instead of finishing, or even working on, the stuff that I'm avoiding.
Just before the rains started, I got my 48 blocks that had already been completed for Sister's Choice Part II, and got them laid out on the driveway. I apologize for not having a proper picture of all 48 laid out for you to see. It was dusk. I was tired. By the time I realized that I hadn't snapped a photo, I had half of them labeled and stacked. So here is a picture of what that looked like.
I was just making sure that all the reds weren't all clumped together or something like that. It looked pretty good to me just as I dropped them.
So I did very little fiddling with the arrangement. Now they are all stacked and labeled and in their basket waiting for me to condescend to sew them into rows and then join up the rows. Sigh. That is what I am procrastinating over and avoiding!

The rain came down in buckets yesterday and I played with my new indigos that I had bought at the Cocheco Show in Rochester, New Hampshire last weekend.
This was a very pricey $13.50 mini roll of nine "snippets" that were 6"x 22" from Paula Barnes. It was sold to me by Cyndi Black of the Busy Thimble quilt shop in Litchfield, Maine. I was grateful to not need to pay Maine's sales tax because we were in New Hampshire, where there is none. The price still gave me an inner gasp!

I used them without prewashing which is unheard of for me. I was antsy to use them. Each snippet made three 2" strips. I decided to use them for some quarter square triangles and just began to sew them. At that point, I had no idea why or what for! Just having fun noodling around.
I used the Companion Angle ruler by EZ on the 2" strips. In the photo above, those red lines are just the gridded cover of the ironing board.
Yesterday I also sewed a bunch more of the coral floral four patches, too. I need 180 of those to do my Sashing Star quilt and now I'm up to 150 done. Yeay!!!
Then today, I was back at the indigo QST's that measure 3 1/2" unfinished. The three strips of one single color of a snippet produced 12 QST units. I wondered what I would use them for?

On a coffeebreak, I idly flipped through Bonnie Hunter's newest book, "String Fling," and I spotted the pattern for Pfeffernuesse. Ahhhah! Although it is all in reds, Pfeffernuesse uses this exact unit! Hmmm, maybe I'll make a blue Pfeffernuesse? Or I could space them out for a border around that UFO medallion quilt that is started but laying idle.
Since I'm not quite sure how I'll use them yet, I'm just stacking them up and not sewing them together into Pfeffernuesse quadrants.
One thing that I did learn as I pieced these, is to always stack the lighter 2" strip on the BOTTOM with the dark indigo 2" strip on TOP (with right sides facing each other). I stacked six strips ( three pairs) layered this way for cutting with the Companion ruler.
I chain pieced with the dark side on top and did all exactly the same, dark on top.
Where it makes a difference is when you go to sew the two halves together. If they are not all the same, you will have it bass-ackwards when you try to nest the seams and alternate the light/dark.
Ask me how I know!

Lastly, I was using those weensy Half Square Triangles as my leaders and enders and managed to squeak out one more Ocean Waves block! Wow, I think that I'm up to 10 or 12 of these now, wheee!
Can't wait to feast on Felix's homemade meatloaf tonight, yumm-o!


Beth in MN said...

Vic, I have been eyeing up Pfeffernuesse also. In fact I want to do all of the quilts in Bonnie's "String Fling" book.

cityquilter grace said...

looking good vic! and next time we meet, you must bring bonnie's new book...i opted not to get it since i have her other 3...

Debra said...

Love, Love, Love the coral 4 patches. That will make a gorgeous quilt. your sister's blocks are wonderful too. you've been busy Vic! Yes, I'm enjoying this wonderful weather too. The color has been breathtaking this year here. Just past peak now, tho. Pretty soon, snow. Yay!

Mrs A said...

I love those stars, they are fab! The price of fabric here is ridiculous, what you paid is regular here, it makes me mad and so I order from the USA, even with shipping its still cheaper. Its getting so hot here, our ac was on all day yesterday.

Kats Studio said...

Nothing like a little progress to make you feel good. Plus, it sounds like your birthday came in with a shake, rattle and roll. Happy belated birthday to you!

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